Android Automotive OS: The Future of Connected Cars

With innovation being the name of the game at the moment, both in terms of producing the clean vehicles of the future and continuing to provide those luxuries and personalised experiences that attract drivers to their favourite brands, an innovative vehicle demands an innovative Operating System (OS) at its core. Enter Android Automotive OS: the definitive way forward for connected cars.

Conjure partnered with Aura, Astheimer, BAMD and Potenza to build and design a fully-electric concept car running on Android Automotive OS. Conjure’s role was to design and implement the HMI (human machine interface) for Aura, and with the OS already in existence and Android’s helpful Open Source set up, we conceived a central computer unit to connect and control Aura’s sub-systems through a single HMI.

Our aim to show that EV adoption is more accessible than users may think, led us through a constant cycle of review and refinement from within the project team. Our approach to cutting-edge HMI not only aims to reduce driver distraction through its driver infotainment (which includes a self-levelling driver display in the centre of the steering wheel) but also by reducing range anxiety through real-world map and charging availability.

The result of all of this is a truly incredible concept car which, whilst it may never be manufactured as a purchasable road car, it shows exactly how easy it can be to create an environmentally friendly, stable alternative to the traditional motor vehicle.

We at Conjure are perfectly placed to work on AAOS projects because we have a huge amount of in-house experience with native android development and AOSP (Android Open Source Project), and Vehicle HMI. Things like understanding what is distracting for a user, having a good grasp of the legality, safety, and best practices are staple requirements for successful automotive HMI design; and Conjure has all of this in abundance.

Another great example of how AAOS can be utilised for in-car infotainment is RadioPlayer. The app, which hosts over 500 stations, is keeping radio relevant in the modern world of car production, and Conjure were at the centre of its development and implementation.

When we were first approached by RadioPlayer, they already had a successful app, but our job was to help them utilise AAOS in order to enhance their in-car listening experience. We undertook extensive user-testing, design, and development, and continue to provide support across all services.

Watch the video below to learn more about our work on Aura, Radioplayer, and AAOS, and what we see as being the future of in-car infotainment systems.


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